Wednesday, November 21, 2012

First review not well so received

Well, we opened the first one this evening, and had a glass with dinner.Then Peter went to yoga and I drank the rest of the bottle. having trouble typing now,afe sdgwsgggWE
Uh, I don't think that is what I meant by letting me know what you think of the wines. Perhaps when your hangover abates, if you remember anything, you can tell me what you thought of it. Otherwise, ask Peter what he thought of it. Rough day, was it? :-)

OK, so not really doing much better than 'They were good.' Daddy suggests looking up how to write a tasting note. From a quick google search, I have decided to follow the advice of Pulling the Cork, because I like the name. 

1. Pop and pour or decant?   Did you pop the cork and drink the wine right away or did you decant it? If you decanted, how long did you let it rest? Did you drink half the bottle one night and half the second night?  If so, how did the wine change in that time? This simple bit of information is a great help to others with the same wine.  If I read that you popped and poured the wine and commented that it got better and better with air then perhaps when I have that wine I will give it a quick decant for an hour or two.
2. With or without a meal?  Did you have the wine with a meal or on its own? If you had it with a meal, what was the main course?  Did the wine work well with the food or was it overpowered by the spice or flavors of the dish?  Knowledge of how the wine works with or without different types of food will help when planning meals in the future and let others know if they are about to pop a nice wine that would get thrashed by a spicy meal. 
3. Use your own words.  The final point I’d like to make goes back to my initial point about describing the nose and flavors of the wine.  Even though you may feel that you don’t have the vocabulary to describe a wine like a professional critic, describing it in simple terms is still helpful.  Just tell it like it is.  Just about anything is better then “This was good”.

(from Pulling the Cork)

Also note the eerie similarity to our task - to write something better than 'They were good!'

P.S. I did not have a hangover, but thank goodness Eoin had just gone to bed with a full tummy. As the midwife said - if I feel tipsy, so will baby! No more drunken mama!

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