Saturday, November 24, 2012

Castaño 2009 Hécula Monastrell

This was the first wine we opened this evening. And look! Proof, (of a sort,) that we didn't drink it on our own!
We had this while we waiting for the Lentil Man (one of Liam and Mamma's favourite people) to arrive with the dinner.

Because this is a classy sort of establishment, we also nibbled on homemade nuts and bolts
So it is almost without irony that I can write that the first comment on this bottle of wine is that is goes very well with shreddies. Unfortunately, once we moved on to sugary nuts, the wine did not fare as well.

We rescued it with a plate of cheddar, and Peter very authoritatively declared that this was a wine that tasted better with cheese.

But the final group judgement was that while this was not a disaster, it was not very interesting. Not worth bothering with again.

We also agreed that if we had made this ourselves, we would be extremely excited about our own skill and cleverness at wine making.

There are two cryptic comments in my wine notes:
  •  "Very harsh." Not sure if this applies to the flavour of the wine, or to the critics, because really at this point we were inclined toward kindliness.
  •  "Grey Monk bottle recalled." Were they recalled due to some flaw, or did we recollect one? I cannot recall!
Castaño Hécula Monastrell
BC Liquor Stores
Over all: Don't buy again

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